The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being.
- Tenzin Gyatso

I believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. It is clear that we face the task of making a happy life for ourselves. Therefore, it is important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness. To stay positive and optimistic one should always be happy and if it means making everyone around us happy as well. That is what we should do. In this period of time there is a lot of violence and terror. there is so much evil in a humans heart, but if I give some one love and compassion sooner or later they are bound to show the same affection back. I myself live by this quote because I am a very optimistic person and I try to keep myself sane by having a smile on my face everyday. There are people that I come across and I feel as if I have to show them some affection because they are having a bad day or just stressed about he simplest things. But if I know that I can make that person smile that would make me happy already. Once a person starts to show affection it is like a virus, it spreads.